Using the hydraulic element friction slopes estimated in BUTTON 5 by the algorithm selected by YOU, and approved or over-ridden by YOU via BUTTON 11, remedies to flow deficiencies (i.e., links in the model that do not satisfy the regulatory flow depth or flow velocity requirements, specified by YOU, for any of the storm event return frequencies considered) are estimated in this set of modules that satisfy the regulatory flow requirements defined by YOU in BUTTON 1.
These remedies are estimated on a link by link basis for every link in the model network. The module target is to estimate either a replacement hydraulic element of similar type (i.e., pipe for pipe, box for box, etc.) or a parallel pipe hydraulic element, computed to meet the regulatory flow depth or flow velocity requirements.
The results of this set of modules is a set of replacement and parallel hydraulic elements for each link defined in the hydrology network.
The next step in the SIMS process is for YOU to approve both the sizing of the deficiency elements as well as the TYPE of hydraulic element used; that is, YOU may decide to use a box element instead of a pipe element even though the existing element is a pipe. These two approval steps occurs in SIMS BUTTONS 14 and 15. The PROGRAM assumes that the highest probability occurs with the selection of self-similar hydraulic elements to replace a deficient hydraulic element; YOU need to evaluate the appropriateness of this assumption via use of BUTTONS 14 and 15.
If YOU elect to change a hydraulic element deficiency remedy to different size or type, these decisions will remain in force unless YOU either remove the specification or unless YOU again change the specification.
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