Button 5

This BUTTON activates over two dozen modules that perform a variety of functions. A major function is the diagnostic checking of the hydrologic network system and hydrologic results, and the distribution of computed information throughout the SIMS data base.

Many of the BUTTONS 11 to 22 uses the information assembled by the POST-PROCESSOR.

Another major function of the POST-PROCESSOR is the development of estimated friction slopes for all the hydraulic elements defined in the hydrology model network. One of the OPTIONS available to YOU to select includes decisions regarding the minimum and maximum allowable distance from the street elevation to the estimated HGL, the minimum allowable flow velocity (at peak flow conditions), and a minimum friction slope or slope of the hydraulic element. These hydraulic friction slope estimates are subsequently used in the several SIMS hydraulics modules to evaluate element deficiencies and possible upgrade needs. Using these estimated friction slopes also provides estimates of flow rate capacities, according to YOUR flow depth/velocity requirements, which when summed to the street flow or floodplain element regulatory flow capacity results in an estimate of the available flood protection flow capacity of the system at any nodal point defined in the hydrologic model.

Knowing the existing system regulatory flow capacity, for several storm event return frequencies, and knowing the storm event peak flow rates for these same return frequency events (for the selected land use conditions or other parameter definitions), enables an evaluation of the DEFICIENCY of each hydraulic link defined in the hydrology model according to the rules set up by YOU.

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