(Note: AES software programs always start in DEMO mode)
HydroWIN 2005+ offers self-tests and other troubleshooting tools. These tools are available by clicking on the Help button.
5. Windows messages due to installing new AES over old AES:
a. Error message 53: “File not found”
b. Run-time error 76: “Path not found”
c. “Invalid Code(s) Highlighted in RED, Please Try Again”
d. Visual Fortran Error: “forrtl: severe (38)”
6. Issue with HydroWIN: I click on “I agree”, but then nothing happens.
7. My AES software stays in DEMO mode even after I plug in the hardware lock and enter the software codes
8. Using AES2002 RATSCx, I try to edit a file but all code 8 data is changed to a 0.
9. I want to install AES2005A, but I don’t want to uninstall previous versions.
How do I install AES software? | top |
Step 1. Download the latest version of AES from the website, –or — Log on to your computer using Administrative access. Insert the CD into the CD drive. The installation should start automatically; if it does not, explore the CD and run “aes200x.exe”.
Step 2. Complete the installation wizard, using the default settings whenever possible. Install AES to the root [c:\aes200x] folder.
Step 3. When HydroWIN installation is complete, the wizard will close. (Note: users of Win98 or earlier will need to reboot before proceeding further.)
Step 4. Click Start > Programs > HydroWIN to run the software. On the first run, HydroWIN will check that the Visual FORTRAN and Rainbow Technologies security drivers are installed. If they are not, HydroWIN will install them, exit, and wait to be restarted.
How do I install the hardware lock / software code key? | top |
Note: starting in 2004, AES has simplified the security installation process by adding a user-friendly interface to the HydroWIN software. Simply log on as an Administrator, run HydroWIN, and click on the “Authorize” button.
The Rainbow Technologies security system works by matching a software code key to a hardware lock that plugs into the computer’s parallel port (a.k.a. the printer port). HydroWIN should install the drivers automatically (see above). If you ever need to re-run the security drivers, they are stored in the folder [C:\aes200x\sentinel drivers]. The best way to access them is through the Help screen in HydroWIN, which includes both a self-test and a re-install feature. Drivers must be installed by a user with Administrator permissions.
AES software starts by default in DEMO mode. To proceed further, the program will prompt you for the security code key. Each code key is unique for each combination of client ID and program ID. To authorize additional licenses or to confirm existing code keys, please contact AES.
For AES 2001/2002 users:
Log on as an administrator when you boot up your PC.
Use Windows Explorer to go to the “sentinel drivers” folder in C:\AES200[1,2] directory and double-click on the application “rainbowssd539” to install the driver.
After the installation of the hardware key driver, please reactivate the HydroWIN to enter your authorization codes.
For AES 2000 users:
Log on as an administrator when you boot up your PC.
Step 1: Use Windows Explorer to go to the “sentinel drivers” folder in C:\AES2000 directory.
Step 2: Go to Win_nt folder and double-click on the application “Setupx86” to start installation of the driver.
Step 3: Click the Function button on the top left corner in the new Dialog Box.
Step 4: Click Okay to all the questions asked.
Step 5: After confirmation of the driver has been installed, then close out the application.
After the installation of the hardware key driver, please reactivate the HydroWIN to enter your authorization codes.
How do I store/retrieve AES files on a project basis? | top |
Step 1. Set up a project folder using Windows Explorer or My Computer.
Step 2a. AESClassic mode: specify the full path with the file name when creating, storing, or retrieving files.
Step 2b. AESWin mode: use the Windows file dialog box to navigate to the project folder and select the desired file(s).
Pop-up message: “5 attempts to correct error state. Please call AES.” | top |
Please refer to “How do I install the hardware lock / software code key”, above.
Error message 53: “File not found” | top |
Case #53-1: Problem due to installing new version of AES over an older version. Please modify AESPATH in the file [c:\windows\hydrowin.ini or c:\winnt\hydrowin.ini, depending on your operating system] to match the correct AES installation folder. Example: change “C:\AES2001” to “C:\AES2002”.
Case #53-2: AES expects WordPad to be in a different place. This problem is seen when trying to print results, for example from HELE1 or CH1. Please create the folder [c:\program files\accessories] and copy “wordpad.exe” to it from [c:\program files\windows nt\accessories or c:\program files\winnt\accessories, depending on your OS].
Case # 53-3: AES2004A apparently has issues installing the Visual Fortran drivers on new machines, causing “DLL file not found” messages when users attempt to activate certain hydrology programs. Users can manually install the necessary VF drivers simply by re-running c:\aes200x\hydrosft\ratscx\VFRUN66AI.exe, although the best way to access them is through the Help screen in HydroWIN, which includes both a self-test and a re-install feature. Users with AES2002 or 2003 should already have these drivers installed.
Run-time error 76: “Path not found” | top |
Problem is usually due to HydroWIN trying to use an older, previously installed version of AES. Please see Case #53-1, above. |
Invalid Code(s) Highlighted in RED, Please Try Again | top |
Please verify that you are using the correct software code keys for the current version of AES. If problem persists after confirming that the codes are correct, then HydroWIN Version [n] may be trying to use AES Software Version [n-1]. Please see Case #53-1, above. |
Visual Fortran Error: “forrtl: severe (38)” | top |
This problem is usually seen during the Authorization process when there is an unexpected problem with the security key hardware. Please download a patch from here and install it to c:\aes200x\hydrosft\ratscx\… following this, there may be additional steps required to troubleshoot the security key hardware. Please refer to the HydroWIN Help screen’s Self-Test and Re-Install features.
Issue with HydroWIN: I click on “I agree”, but then nothing happens. | top |
This issue was resolved with the user interface upgrade in AES2004. For earlier versions that still exhibit this behavior, please open the file “c:\aeserror.txt” and view the debug information. Most of the time, the message indicates a missing windows system file (usually threed32.ocx). The missing file can usually be downloaded by your IT staff from the internet or from the system32 folder of another machine (one that is running AES without problems). NOTE! Please consult your IT department before doing this, in case of operating system discrepancies.
If problems persist, please contact AES.
My AES software stays in DEMO mode even after I plug in the hardware lock and enter the software codes | top |
1. Please confirm that the Rainbow Technologies drivers are installed by re-running the driver installation. The file is stored at [c:\aes200x\sentinel drivers], although AES provides a simple interface through the HydroWIN Help button’s Self-Test and Re-Install features.
2. Please ask your IT department to check the parallel port settings of your computer.
Using AES2002 RATSCx, I try to edit a file but all code 8 data is changed to a 0. | top |
There is a patch for this on the AES website here.
I want to install AES2005A, but I don’t want to uninstall previous versions. | top |
AES2005A was originally designed to require uninstallation of AES2004B in order to help reduce the load of having multiple versions of AES on the same machine. Uninstalling 2004B does NOT remove the data files; it only unloads the software program files.
However, due to recent client feedback, AES has since modified 2005A to remove this uninstallation requirement. If you would prefer the new version, please download the revised installation program by clicking here, or by contacting AES and requesting a new CD. Thank you for using AES.
CH1 will not correctly Print/Save files. | top |
There is a patch for this on the AES website here.