HELE II: Hydraulic Elements II
Irregular Channel Hydraulics Module: This user-interactive computer program provides the capability to determine normal depth in an irregular channel. Using coordinate and Manning’s friction factor information, up to 30 subchannels can be combined to form an irregular channel cross-section. Then, for a constant slope, normal depth is computed in each subchannel simultaneously in order to provide an overall approximation to normal depth in the irregular channel. Includes computations for: – Subchannel average velocity Also includes an internal computer tutor text providing a review or first-course for the program user. Gradually Varied Flow Water Surface Profile Analysis Module: Using the well-known standard step method, an irregular channel water surface profile regime can be determined. The program user can specify up to 20 separate (single flowline) irregular channel cross-sections with individual friction factors, velocity head correction coefficients, and miscellaneous loss factors. The program estimates the gradually varying water surface profile by balancing the energy equation at user specified locations along the channel. ¬†All geometric and parametric information is averaged at each energy balance location. Results are given in tabular form as used in "Open Channel Hydraulics," (Chow 1959). ¬†Both subcritical and super critical flow regimes may be analyzed. Interface program to WSPG and HEC-2 available (program CH3). Retarding Basin Modeling Module: – Internal computer tutor text providing the program user a review or first-course. |
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