Pipeflow Storm Drain Analysis
This powerful computer program package enables the program user to prepare a computer-aided design product with digital computer accuracy and speed. Some of the features and hydraulic models in this program package include hydraulic computation procedures for determining coupled pressure and open channel pipeflow energy losses, and a complete user-interaction computer program system. Use of the Pressure Flow Hydraulics package with the Hydraulics Elements (open channel hydraulics) package provides the drainage engineer with a complete computer capability in determining pipeline hydraulic and energy grade lines as well as indicating where rapidly varied flow (i.e., hydraulic jumps) may occur.
Key Features
– Automatically converts PIPEFLOW data file to WSPG data file format, WSPG can then be used to generate output file.
– Coupled pressure and open channel flow friction losses.
– Coupled pressure and open channel flow bend plus friction losses.
– Coupled pressure and open channel flow junction plus basin-inflow losses.
– Coupled pressure and open channel flow transition losses.
– Coupled pressure and open channel flow catch basin entrance losses.
– Computer output ready for inclusion into drainage reports.
– Complete user-interactive editing capability which allows the program user to easily change the entered pipeline information or globally modify the entire pipeline system flowrate or friction factors.
– Complete Gradually Varied Flow and Pressure Flow analysis. Pressure-plus-Momentum balancing at minor losses. Gradually Varied Flow profiles. Pressure-plus-Momentum between super critical and subcritical flow regimes.
– Coupled pressure and open channel flow manhole losses.
– Coupled pressure and open channel flow angle point losses.
– Coupled pressure and open channel flow sudden pipe-enlargement losses.
– Coupled pressure and open channel flow sudden pipe-reduction losses.
– Soffit control model which determines "lost" pressure head whenever soffit control is assumed for design purposes.
– Computer results list all entered information as well as appropriate formulas. Losses are computed and included in formula-fashion on the computer output in order to provide a complete hydraulic report for future reference or plan checking submittal.
– Choice of using different loss function formulas.
– Choice of output presentation: detailed report, form output in WSPG style or summary form output.